Donald J. Trump – 45th President l Herald of the World Ruler

Donald J. Trump – 45th President l Herald of the World Ruler

Mass media hysteria. A global health crisis. The response. This report looks at a wild conspiracy that Trump may have been foretold in Biblical prophecy. Stemming from a trilogy by Ingersoll Lockwood over a hundred years ago, in tandem with Trump Derangement Syndrome, the theory is once again gaining traction on Twitter. Sure, the whole thing may be a random […]

Havana Syndrome – True Lies l The war isn’t silent

Havana Syndrome – True Lies l The war isn’t silent

At the intersection of politics and medicine we find public gaslighting like never before with the latest findings on Havana Syndrome. Why are the national security analysts suddenly blaming the environment & mainstream media for this? If you think this only concerns government operatives, diplomats, and the military; think again. Directed energy weapons have been around for a VERY long […]

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