Global Peril: Disease X and the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM’s Agenda

Global Peril: Disease X and the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM’s Agenda

The World Economic Forum has made no secret about its goal to reshape the globe in ways never before tested. From what we eat, how it is farmed and transported, to zero carbon emission efforts to combat climate change (and ultimately reducing the world’s population to achieve these measures), we again find ourselves in the midst of a new pandemic. Predictably this “Disease X”, as some are calling it, has reemerged as the H5N1 Avian flu. Although it has already been well documented as a low-level human health threat under World Health Organization guidelines, suddenly that science seems to be changing. A 56% fatality rate among those who get the strain is being reported in the mainstream news while European health agencies are already ramping up surveillance to test and trace. Where have we heard this before? And with the future of America on the line in just a few months it will be interesting to see how our elected officials respond. Are you ready?

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