Broke Barista – Toronto Edition l Dumber than a bag of hammers

Broke Barista – Toronto Edition l Dumber than a bag of hammers

The Anarchist, a coffee shop in Toronto, has closed after only 12 months in “business”. The self proclaimed anti-capitalist, anti-colonial cafe, shop, and radical community space is proof positive that the left ruins everything it touches and ultimately eats itself. The owner apparently didn’t realize that a pay as you see fit approach is often referred to as a charity. They also bashed law enforcement (usually a good coffee consumer base).
And they served the ‘Americano’ (America being a bastion of Capitalism).
These hypocrites even had 6 months rent free at the location and still couldn’t make it.
Looks like Orwell hit the nail on the head when he stated (paraphrasing) that socialists hate the rich but don’t care about the poor, as so repeated by Canadian psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson.
The closing of this coffee shop is all a bit ironic. Don’t you think?

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